SUNDAYS AT 8:00A, 9:30A & 11:00A

[Week 43] Farewell

Jason Price

June 18, 2023

Paul ends the book of Romans with a few parting instructions. He speaks of unity among the believers, being steadfast in obedience and he sends along a few words of greetings from those who are with him. And he ends his letter where he begins, restating his goal: that all gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith.


[Week 42] Ministry Partners

Jason Price

June 11, 2023

No one does ministry alone. In every successful ministry endeavor, there are always people behind the scenes that make sure the mission is accomplished. It was true for Paul and it is true for us. In this section of the letter, Paul sends greetings to some of the most important men and women who have played a pivotal part in his ministry.


[Week 41] Ministry Agenda

Jason Price

June 4, 2023

As we near the end of this letter. Paul shares with the church his future travel plans. Through this text, we get a reminder that these are real people who lived in a real place in real-time. We see how this letter fits inside the timeline and life of Paul's other ministries and letters. We also get a picture of the local church's role in advancing the Gospel.


[Week 40] Just like Jesus

Jason Price

May 28, 2023

How do we respond to those who are spiritually less mature than we are? Just like Jesus did for us. We bear with their failings as Christ does with ours. We endeavor to build them up, as Christ does us. We accept them just as Christ accepted us.


[Week 39] Don't be a stumbling block

Jason Price

May 21, 2023

"It is for freedom that Christ sets you free” Gal. 5:1. We are no longer bound to the law. Does that mean we can do anything we want, short of sin? Not exactly. Being a part of the family of God and being a part of the body of Christ, means that we don't have the freedom to do things that hurt other people's faith, even if we are free in Christ to do it. Part of dying to ourselves, and putting others first, is giving up our rights for the sake of others and putting their needs first.


[Week 38] Weak vs. Strong

Jason Price

May 14, 2023

Not everything is black and white when it comes to living out our faith. Paul makes it clear, there are disputable matters. So how do you know what you can do and can’t? What you should do and shouldn’t? The answer is you do what honors your master. And what honors the master for one servant, may not honor the master for another.


[Week 37] Love Fulfills The Law

Josh Garrett

May 7, 2023

We have never been closer to the coming of Jesus than we are right now. How would you live if you knew he was coming soon? How would you treat people? How important would obeying Jesus be? Is there anything you are doing that you would stop? Anything you aren’t doing that you would start? Our salvation is nearer now than it has ever been. It’s time to live like it.


[Week 36] God or Government?

Ken May

April 30, 2023

Should we submit to God or Government? And the answer is yes. In a country that is divided most deeply by political ideology, the idea of submitting to government is an inflammatory one. Paul invites us to see the government, not as an enemy of God but as a weapon of God. And he tells us that living in rebellion to the governing authorities is almost always living in rebellion to God.


[Week 35] Live Out Love

Jason Price

April 23, 2023

What does loving people look like? In this section, Paul rattles off many practical implications of loving people. From honoring others to showing hospitality to feeding your enemies. In a world where everyone is looking out for themselves, one of the greatest acts of gospel proclamation is loving others more than ourselves.


[Week 34] Living Sacrifices

Jason Price

April 16, 2023

What do we do now that we have come to faith in Christ? Starting in Romans 12, Paul begins to give us application for the gospel in our lives. And it starts with worship, not simply singing, but offering our whole body to Him and joining our body to His body; the church.
