You are not in this alone. We believe we are designed by God to live life in a gospel-centered community. You have been gifted by God for the sake of the body of Christ. We need you utilizing your gifts among us for our good and you need other people utilizing their gifts for your good. Only when leveraging our lives together will we become the people and the church God created us to be.
Look below to see the opportunities we have here at QuadCity Christian Church for you to come together with other believers and join a group!


Join a Life Group at QuadCity Christian Church where you can meet weekly with others to study and practice obedience to God’s Word, as well as pray and care for one another.

Discipleship Groups

QuadCity Discipleship Groups exist to help us fulfill our mission to make more and better disciples of Jesus. Everywhere. Always.

Our desire is that these transparent groups be modeled after the close relationship seen in scripture with Jesus and the three. These are not just bible study groups, but groups that are focused on discipleship making, which is entering into relationships to intentionally help people follow Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and join the mission of Jesus. 

These groups are gender-based small groups of ideally 5 people. The ideal life span of the discipleship group will be 18 months-3 years with the goal of multiplication of the group. 

Each group may look different, meet at different times, and have unique conversations, but at its core, these groups will work to hold one another accountable and walk out the obedience that comes from our faith in Jesus. We believe that as we do that we will be transformed into the likeness of Christ and will become better disciples of Jesus!






These groups are intended to help serve a specific need. These groups seek to offer care to those who may be hurting and/or provide some skills for us to be better disciples of Jesus. Depending on the time of year these groups may include, but are not limited to; Griefshare, Hurting Mom's Mending Hearts, Men's Integrity Group, Financial Peace, etc.