[Week 7] No Excuse
September 18, 2022
We often judge others by their actions, while judging ourselves by our intentions. Paul declares that everyone will be judged, not by what they have heard, or even what they have believed. We will all be judged by what we do. Not that our actions save us, but our actions testify to whether we are saved. We will all be held to account for what we do with what we know. (Note the pronoun “you” he is talking to Jews).
[Week 6] Fruit of a Depraved Mind
September 11, 2022
In this text, we read one of the scariest lines in the Bible for a third time: “God gave them over.” As Paul outlines the wrath of God on the gentiles, He gives them over to the depraved mind they so long for. And as a result, Paul shares twenty-one sins that are a result. When these actions and attitudes seem normal and natural to us, we can assume we have a depraved mind too.
[Week 5] The Evil Exchange
September 4, 2022
What do you do when you don’t want to obey God? You create your own. In this text, Paul describes people who choose to create their own Gods so that they can live their lives however they want. In doing so, they exchange the immortal Glory for Mortal glory and the truth for a lie. The result of idol creation is always sexual immorality.
[Week 4] God Revealed
August 28, 2022
Before God reveals his wrath, he reveals himself. The creation we live in reveals the creator behind it. God has not left people in the dark. If they don’t know him or see him, is because they choose not to know him or see him.
[Week 3] I Am Not Ashamed
August 21, 2022
In this text, we learn Paul has yet to visit this church, but he longs to. Even though he did not plant this church, he has a passion for them. He is praying for them constantly. He wants to strengthen their faith. He wants to see a harvest among them. He is obligated and eager to preach the Gospel because he is not ashamed. Which begs the question, how many of us feel compelled to share the gospel with those around us?
[Week 2] Calling All Gentiles
August 14, 2022
Paul begins this letter by stating his mission and his calling. The purpose of his life is to share the Gospel as an Apostle of Jesus to the gentiles and call them all to obedience that comes from faith. Obedience doesn’t bring Fatih. Faith produces obedience.
[Week 1] The Beginning of the Everyones Gospel
August 7, 2022
This week we will kick off the series by seeking to answer some of the context questions of the letter. Who wrote it, who was it written to, and when was it written? How did the church in Rome begin? We want to make sure that as we study this text we first understand the context. We will talk about Paul's calling to the gentiles, and his connection to the church in Rome.
David and Goliath
July 31, 2022
Today we cover one of the most popular stories inside and outside the church. In this message, we discover a picture of the gospel of Jesus, and our place in it. Contrary to what most of us have been taught, we aren’t David in the story, Jesus is. We aren’t the hero, Jesus is. We are the cowardly Israelites in need of a savior to fight an enemy we can’t defeat, sin and death.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
July 24, 2022
This story is a story of integrity and faithfulness in the face of overwhelming adversity. In this story, the evil king thinks he is the one who determines outcomes and that he is in control. But Rack, Shack, and Benny know better. The greatest truth of this story is summed up in one line…from verse 17 ”but even if he does not…” God is the one who controls outcomes. We are to be faithful and trust God for the rest.
Battle Of Jericho
July 17, 2022
One of the greatest parts of this fantastic story is found in Chapter 5:13-15. The truth God is not for us…we are for Him. We spend so much of our prayers trying to get God to be for us …be He is not joining us we are to join Him.