SUNDAYS AT 8:00A, 9:30A & 11:00A

You Are The Temple Of The Holy Spirit | Something Is Missing

Josh Garrett

November 26, 2023

God once resided with His people in the sinless garden, and later in the Holy of Holies. But today, when the Holy Spirit dwells in us, our bodies become the Holy of Holies. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. How should that affect the way we live our lives?


What The Holy Spirit Has To Give | Something Is Missing

Jason Price

November 19, 2023

People get fixated on the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some say those supernatural gifts don’t apply to us today, while others say that spiritual gifts like healing, prophecy, speaking in tongues, etc, are the only way to know that the Holy Spirit truly dwells in us. Which is correct? What does the Bible say about it?


Learning To Be Led By The Holy Spirit | Something Is Missing

Jason Price

November 12, 2023

Most people who believe in God expect to be led by the Spirit. The issue isn’t that we don’t want to be led by the Spirit, the issue is that we don’t know how to be led by the Spirit.


What Does The Holy Spirit Produce? | Someone Is Missing

Jason Price

November 5, 2023

What proof do we have that the Holy Spirit is actively producing something in our life? What is our flesh trying to produce instead? In this sermon, Pastor Jason contrasts the acts of the flesh versus the fruits of the Spirit.


What The Holy Spirit WON'T Do | Something Is Missing

Jason Price

October 29, 2023

What won’t the Holy Spirit do for you? You can rest assured that the Holy Spirit will never: Speak for you, control you, overpower you, replace your need for scripture, or contradict God’s word.


What Does The Holy Spirit Actually Do? | Something Is Missing

Jason Price

October 22, 2023

So what does the Holy Spirit actually do? In a quick summary, He comforts, advocates, intercedes, convicts, guides, teaches, seals our adoption, gives us words to speak, empowers us, helps us, and sanctifies us (just to name a few).


So How Do I Get The Spirit? | Something Is Missing

Jason Price

October 15, 2023

The Holy Spirit can’t be purchased, so how do I receive Him? Is it when I believe? When I am baptized? Does someone need to lay hands on me? Can the Spirit be taken away?


Isn't Jesus Enough | Someone is Missing

Josh Garrett

October 8, 2023

Jesus promised that He wouldn’t leave us as orphans, but rather, He would send an Advocate to help us. The Holy Spirit comes as a great promise of the New Covenant. He is the great gift that the Father and Son want to give us.


Let Me Reintroduce Myself | Something is Missing

Jason Price

October 1, 2023

63% of Bible-believing Christians confess they don't believe that the Holy Spirit is a person of God. Let's examine what the Scripture says about the Trinity and the Holy Spirit. Who or What is He? Can He be grieved? Lied to? Pleased? Resisted?


Excel in your Commitment | 2 Cor. 9:5-7

Jason Price

September 24, 2023

It doesn’t matter what we are committing to, it is tempting to walk away. We often commit to something with excitement and joy, but over time that excitement wanes and only the commitment remains. The people in Corinth were once excited about joining in the generosity initiative that Paul was inviting them into, but it seems as if that excitement waned and they needed a little prodding. Today is the day we make a commitment. The question is what do we need to do to keep it?
