Admonish One Another (Col. 3:16) | VARIETY PACK 2024
June 9, 2024
This year for Variety Pack we are teaching through the famous "One Another" commands of the New Testament. Tim Duensing takes us through what it looks like to biblically admonish one another, as well as how to receive admonishment well if we are confronted by other believers to turn from our sin.
Life After Suffering (Job 42) | THOUGH HE SLAY ME
June 2, 2024
At the end of Job's suffering, scripture says he was blessed in the latter part of his life more than he was before. Does that mean we, too, will experience greater earthly blessings after our suffering? Unfortunately, no. However, for those who remain faithful to Jesus, we are promised that one day, our suffering too will end, and we too will be richly blessed beyond measure. Job got in this life what we are promised to get in the next.
God Answers to No One (Job 38-42) | Though He Slay Me
May 26, 2024
Many people will say, “I can’t wait to ask God why he ____________.” There is an expectation that God owes them an explanation. Job gets the opportunity so many people dream of, and it doesn’t go as he envisioned. When confronted about Job's suffering, God offers no explanation except: I am God.
What to Say (Job 32-37) | Though He Slay Me
May 19, 2024
A few weeks ago we learned what not to say from Job's three friends. Today a new voice jumps in, a young man named Elihu. He offers a different perspective on what to say to someone who has suffered greatly. Sometimes, in addition to encouragement and lament, there are hard things that need to be said in love and truth.
What about the wicked? (Job 24:1-25) | Though He Slay Me
May 12, 2024
The only thing worse than bad things happening to good people is when good things happen to bad people. Does it ever feel like the wicked are never punished? Like everything works out in their favor? Job made the same observation. Does that mean it’s better to be bad?
God is Powerful, but is He Good? (Job 9:1-35) | Though He Slay Me
May 5, 2024
As Job continues to sit in his suffering, he understands one thing for sure: God is all-powerful. There is no doubt in Job's mind that God is above him and can do anything he pleases and no one can stop him. However, there is one issue that Job seems to struggle with: Is God good? Does He care for the people He created? Does He listen to their cries? Is He willing to respond to their hurts? The answer to that for Job seems to be "no." At the end of this chapter, Job seems to think the solution would be a mediator in between him and God...
What Not to Say (Job 4:1-5:27) | Though He Slay Me
April 28, 2024
What do you say when someone is hurting? If Job's friends teach us anything, they teach us what not to say. In this text, we find the beginning of some age-old cliches that we need to stop saying to people who are hurting.
The Depression of Devastation (Job 3:1-26) | Though He Slay Me
April 21, 2024
Prolonged suffering is often devastating to our spiritual and emotional health. After weeks of suffering, Job questions why he was even born. What do we do when the pain of our suffering seems to outlast the perseverance of our faith?
If you or someone you know is struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts, please call or text 988, help is available.
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What's the deal with Job's wife? (Job 2:1-13) | Though He Slay Me
April 14, 2024
One infamous line, "Curse God and die!" has left Mrs. Job forgotten, vilified, or the butt end of jokes. Her lone sentence in the book does not show her in a good light. What are we to make of her? What is her connection to Job's suffering? Could there be more to her story?
Behind The Scenes Of Suffering (Job 1:1-22) | Though He Slay Me
April 7, 2024
Throughout the story of Job, we are given access not only to what is going on in the earthly realm but also behind-the-scenes access to what is going on in the heavenly realms regarding Job’s suffering. In this first chapter, we see Job endure some of the greatest of all suffering and respond to it in the most unexpected way.