September 15, 2024
Just a tree needs to be watered and pruned and fertilized, even the best of marriages need to be regularly maintained.
September 8, 2024
The secret to cultivating a thriving marriage is that you must start long before the marriage ceremony.
A New Offer (2 Corinthians 5:17) | David Upchurch
September 1, 2024
If you are in Christ – you are a new creation.
Transformed Life (Luke 18-19) | TRANSFORMED
August 25, 2024
The rich young ruler and Zacchaeus had something in common: they both wanted salvation. One got to hear "salvation has come to you today" and the other heard "it's so hard for a rich person to get into heaven." Why did they hear such contrasting responses from Jesus?
Transformed Perspective (Luke 12:4-15) | TRANSFORMED
August 18, 2024
In Luke chapter 12, Jesus gives us a stark warning about building bigger barns. Where are you storing your treasure?
Transformed Motive (Luke 16:1-15) | TRANSFORMED
August 11, 2024
Jesus continues to make the connection between our money and our hearts with this parable in Luke chapter 16. The shrewd manager leverages the resources he has available to him to invest in his future home, and is commended by his master. What can the church learn from this? How can we leverage our resources to invest in eternal dwellings?
Transformed Heart (Matthew 6) | TRANSFORMED
August 4, 2024
In his sermon on the mount, Jesus makes it very clear that we will store up treasure somewhere. The act of storing treasure isn’t condemned, but we should pay close attention to the location in which the treasure is stored. Jesus makes a concise statement, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” So the question is, as Christians, where are we storing up our treasure? On earth or in Heaven? It’s gotta be one or the other.
The Early Church Was Distinct In Their Sexuality (1 Cor. 7) | DISTINCTIVELY CHRISTIAN
July 28, 2024
In a world where sex outside of marriage was expected for all men, the early Christian ethic of sex only between a husband and a wife was counter-cultural. The early disciples also saw sexuality as an equal gift and responsibility to both husbands and wives. The needs of women were never taken into consideration like this before. Early disciples saw sex, not just as a physical activity, but a spiritual one as well.
The Early Church Served The Poor (Galatians 2:9-10) | DISTINCTIVELY CHRISTIAN
July 21, 2024
Everyone is willing to do for those who can do for them, but what set Christians apart from the very beginning was their care for those who could not care for themselves. Building on the foundation laid in the Old Testament, the early Christians took seriously the call to take care of the poor and the marginalized in their midst. Today, we are called to do the same.
The Early Church was Pro-Life (Matt. 22:37-40) | DISTINCTIVELY CHRISTIAN
July 14, 2024
In a world where children were literally thrown out with the trash and left to die or to be picked up and sold to slave traders or sex traffickers, it was the early Christians who would take in those kids to raise them as their own. Knowing that all humans were made in God's image meant that all life was worth saving.