SUNDAYS AT 8:00A, 9:30A & 11:00A

Advent - Hope

Grant Agler

December 5, 2021


Advent - Peace

Jason Price

November 28, 2021


Philippians [Week 11]

Jason Price

November 21, 2021

I can do all things through Christ. This is not a verse declaring limitless power it is a verse declaring complete surrender. It is a verse talking about contentment in every circumstance. Trusting that God will meet our needs, in every situation.Paul is also thanking the church for their desire to supply what Paul needs. Giving to the work of God is giving to God and according to Paul, it gets credited to our account. You can t take it with you but you can send it ahead by giving it away for the advancement of the kingdom.


Philippians [Week 10]

Jason Price

November 14, 2021


Philippians [Week 9]

Jason Price

November 7, 2021


Philippians [Week 8]

Jason Price

October 31, 2021

Everything is worth losing to gain Christ. This is Paul living out the parable of the hidden treasure. I willingly give up everything to have Jesus.There are some who were teaching that circumcision and the law…plus Jesus is what saved you…Paul unloads on them. And reminds us…the only boasting we have is boasting in Christ. Everything else is dung.

Philippians [Week 7]

Jason Price

October 24, 2021

This is Paul commemorating the virtues of kingdom workers like Timothy and Epaphroditus. We all need people around us to help us accomplish what God has called us too. And everyone has a part to play in the kingdom.Could this be a weekend we honor those who work in the Lord through PCC? Share the stories of “unsung” servants among us? Volunteer appreciation? Celebrate missionaries we support?

Philippians [Week 6]

Grant Agler

October 17, 2021

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. What does that look like? Obedience and not grumbling. This will set us apart from the world like stars against a dark sky.Do we stand out or blend in to the darkness around us?

Philippians [Week 5]

Jason Price

October 10, 2021

Encouragement to be like Jesus. To lay down our rights and our lives for the sake of others. One of the greatest texts on the trajectory of Jesus life…from the right hand of the father, to the earth, to the cross, to the grave, and back to the right hand of the father.And Paul uses that picture of Jesus to teach us to humble ourselves to one another in the same way.“If Jesus made himself nothing, why am I consumed with making myself something?”

Philippians [Week 4]

Jason Price

October 3, 2021

Paul encourages the church…not just individuals…but the church collective…to content themselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel. How? 3 Things: Standing firm in the Spirit, Striving together for the faith, and doing so without fear.If we do this it will come with suffering. But that is something we are granted…it is a gift to suffer like Jesus. Quote from my bible cover: “we don’t have to suffer for sin, our savior already did that. But we do suffer for our savior.”