Ways to Stay Connected

We want to make sure that every family has multiple opportunities to stay connected to QuadCity Kids. Below, you'll find our key ways to stay connect—Emails, Text Messages and the Parent Cue App. We recommend all three, but do what's best for you and your family. We use these to send out Monthly Ministry Updates, Weekly Sunday Follow Ups, Events, Updates, and more! 



Sign up to receive monthly ministry updates as well as regular event updates through our QuadCity Kids Email List.


Sign up to receive monthly ministry updates as well as regular event updates through our QuadCity Kids Text Updates. Simply send a new text message to the number 94000 with the word: quadcitykids and you'll start recieving text message updates. 

The Parent Cue App

Stay connected with what your child learns on Sunday and gain access to great tools and resources by downloading the Parent Cue App. Create an acount for your child to get access to age appropriate content and see a reminder of how many weeks you have left until the turn 18 so you can make the most of every phase. 


Download Here